Our Vision

Opening Doors – Building Bridges

Ararat Neighbourhood House services Ararat and surrounds, providing a welcoming space for our local community, where people can come together to learn new skills, form friendships, obtain information and connect with services and supports.

Ararat Neighbourhood House provides an inclusive environment, welcoming people of all circumstances, backgrounds and abilities. We are continually striving to identify and address the changing needs of our community by offering a diverse range of programs and opportunities for growth, in an accessible, creative and vibrant manner.

We partner with local service providers to give access to affordable programs that meet the needs of person and professional development.

Ararat Neighbourhood House is committed to identifying and addressing the changing needs of our local community by providing a welcoming space for people to gather, to form friendships, develop skills, gain knowledge and connect with other services and supports.

ANH Key Objectives

1. Develop the organisation to best meet the needs of the local community.
2. Prioritise social inclusion activities, particularly by continuing to provide opportunities for people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
3. Expand and develop opportunities for community learning by catering for a diverse range of participants and interests.
4. Identify and grow opportunities to auspice or partner in community projects and activities.
5. Establish and maintain transparent and accountable governance.

Our Core Values